
I Predict a Riot

I went back to university for a one year full-time MA course in Graphic Design at the London College of Communication - I spent most of the year interested in the relationship between words and images as well as graphic design theory, mainly that of visual narrative.

I haven't let go of this obsession just yet and want to make the virtual page feel more of a printed page, telling stories every click of the way. 

Work examples here are from my final major project, where I focussed on the London Riots of the summer of 2012 and their coverage in The Sun, The Daily Mirror, The London Evening Standard and The Metro, as well as my supporting work where I examined other stories in the press. I produced perfect bound (by hand) books, each titled with a headline from the period: "Rabble Without a Cause", "I Predict a Riot", "Lawless London" and "Shop a Moron".